
Saturday 31 December 2016

Gifts that Perfect Intelligence - Seeing God in All Things. By Fr. Bede Jarrett

Four of the sevenfold gifts perfect the intellectual side of man. They are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and counsel. Of these, it is obvious that the first three are for myself and the last is chiefly given me for the benefit of others.

The gift of counsel means quite simply that I receive suggestions from the Holy Spirit what advice I am to give to those who come to consult me. I am made so responsive to the divine Wisdom that I at once perceive what is best for others in a way that, without the gifts, I should be wholly unable to do.

Thus, it sometimes happens that I am suddenly conscious of words apparently suggested to me from outside, words that are as much a surprise to me as they are of evident comfort to my hearers. The very phrase for which they have been longing and that alone seems to have the power to enable them to see straight into the entanglement of their affairs, comes trippingly to my tongue though I am perhaps unacquainted with their circumstances except for the little they have been able to tell me.

The gift of knowledge enables me to see God in the natural world of creation, in reason, in the arts and crafts of man, and in nature. The gift of knowledge is an understanding of God learnt from the material things of life. On the other hand, the gift of understanding allows me to see Him in the supernatural world of faith and in truths and mysteries, while wisdom further acquaints me with the inter-relation between faith and reason, nature and supernature.